
The Behavioral Intervention Team has established these guidelines for their work, and may need to update or alter these procedures in certain situations.

  • The core BIT will meet on a regular basis (weekly during the fall and spring semesters) to review possible concerns submitted in person or by way of the online form.
  • In addition, the BIT will meet as needed when a possible threat is identified that needs to be addressed immediately. Notification may be in person to the appropriate facilitator or by way of the online form. After notification, the facilitator (or his/her designee), will determine which additional team members are needed to assess and manage the situation, and will convene those individuals.
  • If an incident arises during non-business hours and there is an immediate need to assess and/or intervene – concerned parties will be directed to call the Dispatcher in Public Safety, who is available 24 hours a day at (816) 584-6444. The Dispatcher will then follow the protocol and will notify the appropriate facilitator.
  • The Behavioral Intervention Team will assess the potential danger, explore possible outcomes of various approaches to managing the threat, and then implement a plan.
  • Anyone with a follow-up assignment will update the team members involved via email, telephone, or in person. Personally identifiable information will be minimized on email as possible.
  • After the plan is implemented, the facilitator will be responsible for coordinating follow-up to insure that the threat has been appropriately managed.
  • A record of BIT incidents, plans, and follow-ups will be maintained in a confidential file on e-Process.
  • The team recognizes and respects that certain members of the University community will have legal and ethical limitations on information that may be shared when discussing a concern. It is the responsibility of each team member to exercise his or her best professional judgment in determining what information may be shared.
  • All members of the Behavioral Intervention Team (core and associate) should remember their responsibility to maintain confidentiality of people and incidents, but this duty must be balanced with the need to protect the individual and the group. All information discussed in BIT meetings (in person, by phone, or e-mail) should remain within the BIT, unless it is necessary to notify or consult with others. In all cases, safety of the individual and group has priority over confidentiality.
  • The team meets as needed to review campus issues, and if indicated – revise the policies and procedures under which it operates.
  • Team members will become knowledgeable of standards established by the Missouri Campus Security Task Force and will be trained on the Emergency Response Information Plan.
  • BIT members will help identify and facilitate training to other members of the Park University community: faculty, staff, and students; face-to-face and online; Kansas City area and beyond.
  • Team members will work to develop relationships and coordinate their procedures with relevant off-campus resources (law enforcement, hospitals, etc.).

Park University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Park University is a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.